"ABNER!! ABNER!! " --Gladys Kravitz
Why not visit Barkwhistle Wood Shop, my new website devoted strictly to woodworking.
...go to Barkwhistle Wood Shop
You can view photos of my woodworking projects, organized by category, on Flickr.
Misty Mountain Hop
Calgary to Victoria via Rocky Mountaineer
Blue Mountain Lodge, Bell Lake
Boobies, iguanas and crabs (oh my)
Our Summer Vacation
Larkwhistle, Tobermory, Killarney
My Arrowhead
Flora, fauna, fire and sky, moments outside of time
Click here for the official site for news and information about my CD called "Gravitas", a collection of original instrumental music by Robert George Daniel.
Still a few CD's left... when they're gone it's digital downloads only...
Max, Lucy, Tiger, Silver, Bell
Our nature retreat in the Bruce
The Bob & Lynda Show
Toronto Zoo
Wondering where the lions are? Try here!