Monday July 8 |
Cindy at Glenerin (DONE):
- menu
- final head count
- single-table seating
- where to set up CD (two places)
- punch
- gift table, cake table
- signing register table
Call Church Lady, confirm fee, time etc. - DONE
Call Bard Azima, confirm fee, time, when to take pictures, etc.
(NEW - stay through to cake)
by Thurday July 18 |
- pack for trip - ONGOING
- card for Pebble basket - PRINTED
- finalize seating plan - PRINTED
Friday July 19 |
- 08:30 - call baker - Lynda
- 09:00 - canoe, gear, van - Bob
- 09:00 - prepare picnic pack (wine, cheese) - Lynda
- 10:00 - Lucy to BRB - Bob/Lynda
- 12:00 - Lynda - manicure
- 15:00 - flowers in hat - Lynda/Doreen
- 15:00 - Bob go for flowers - take map - (pebble basket,
3 tbl. arrang., 1 dry arrang., 3 bout., 2 cors., 2 head pc.)
- 18:00 - place cards arriving - Lynda
- 17:00 - deliver corsage to Marg - Bob
Saturday July 20 |
Pre-Ceremony |
- 8.30 - 10.00 - Lynda , Claire to hair
- 8.30 - Barb pick up cake, deliver to Cindy at Glenerin Inn (cake to
be decorated with logo to right, plus cabin model)
- 09:00 - Brian and Jo-Anne arrive; we collect the CD player, extension
cord, CDs, guestbook/pen, Lynda's and Bob's overnight bags, folder with
licence & cheque) and RINGS
- 09:30 - Bob, Brian, Evan get boutineers (Jo-Anne helps)
- 09:45 - Brian/Jo-Anne get Bob/Evan to Inn
- 10:00 - Brian/Evan set up CD player in tented patio area, load Miss
Luba CD
- 10:00 - Bob checks into room with overnight bags, or leave with front
- 10.30 - Janine/Tracy collect table flowers, placecards, basket of
pebbles from house, deliver to Glenerin Inn
- 10.30, Joanne (church lady) arives; get papers organized, including
CHECK for $175); pay her now? Give her the RINGS (Brian/Bob)
- by 10.30, Bard (photog) should be there, get him oriented
- by 10.30, Steve (Piper) should be there, get him oriented
- any gifts to gift table, Jamie and Sara to stand guard
- remind Moms about standing to deliver their line:
"I welcome Bob/Lynda into our family with love."
Ceremony |
- as guests arrive, Brian and Evan alternate seating them, ensuring
that everyone gets a pebble from basket
- Moms are to be seated last, front and centre;
also in front row, chairs for Brian, Jo-Anne, Claire, piper, photog
(end seat); others seated where they like
- when everyone else seated, Piper pipes in Lynda and Claire
- Claire/Brian then seated, only Bob/Lynda standing
- Moms stand briefly, in turn, for their line in ceremony
- During signing of register, Evan to start CD - Missa Luba
- Piper pipes out Bride & Groom, followed by Best Man and Maid of
Honour, then others follow
Pre-lunch |
- Evan/Brian to relocate CD player to lunch area
- Tracy to ensure punch available on patio
- while guests mingle, Bride and Groom slip off for quiet pictures
- also a group photo to be done now - front of Inn?
- Piper to play us into lunch when photos done.
Lunch |
- eat first, then speeches
- Tracy ensure we all have wine/water before toasts
- Brian/Evan cut music
- Brian introduces himself, short speech, toasts Bride & Groom,
throw to Groom
- Groom toasts piper, remarks about the many new women in his life,
toasts the women, throw to Bride
- Bride pays tribute to absent fathers, thanks others, throw to Groom
- Groom wraps it up, thanks those who came from out of town, one last
toast (Sara and Jamie), introduces the cake
- more music
- Sara and Jamie help distribute cake
Aftermath |
- Janine and Tracy collect flower baskets (one to Barb)
- Doreen collect dried flowers, any presents, back to house
- Barb collect leftover cake , take home and freeze
- CD player, CDs, etc. up to our room at Inn