Three more songs for the Triple Threats playlist, all recorded in 2021.
Three more songs for the Triple Threats playlist, all recorded in 2021.
Here are three new songs, which are the first three in the new “Triple Threat” series. Because they are about three minutes long. It’s all about the threes. These are the last three of a whopping 29 new songs in 2020.
Here are two new songs in the ongoing Two-Minute Warning series.
Here are four new Two Minute Warnings. These were done asynchronously in collaboration with local painter Alan Glicksman.
It’s possible to play all four at the same time, but probably not wise.
Two more two-minute wonders, for the Two Minute Warnings playlist.
Two more wee songs in my “Two-Minute Warnings” series.
Two Minute Series Continues…
Another pair of tiny songs, perfect if you live in a tiny house or have a tiny attention span.
Two more 2-minute (-ish) songs, in this case variations on Fugue X in two different tempos. The slower one is for tuba and clarinet, because why not. The livelier one is for bass guitars, organ, and a combination of pipes and harp. Composed by JS Bach (duh).