Chambre Humana

New song for February, this is a choral/orchestral effort featuring the third of the three new sample-based virtual instruments in Reason 10, called “Humana”, as well as a variety of orchestral sources from a Refill called “Chambre”. Older hipsters may recognize the reference in the opening ostinato.

(YouTube link: )

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In the Middle of Nowhere

Here’s a new song, first one started and finished in the new year. I will try to do one a month, the good lord willing and the creeks don’t rise, as they say.

(YouTube link: )

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Pangea is the second of three new sample-based virtual instruments in Propellerhead Reason 10. The other two are Klang (which I looked at previously) and Humana. This is a short study of several of the individual instrument patches within Pangea. In order of appearance they are: Saz, Angklung, Harp Guitar, Lakeside Pipe Organ, Little Wooden Flutes, and Struck Grand Piano.

(YouTube link: )

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Here’s a bit of a tone poem (in a loose way) that I cobbled together somehow despite my cataract-filled eyeballs. Now that one of my eyeballs has been relieved of its cataracts, I was able to finish this song and get it published. All sounds are via the new “Klang” instrument in Reason 10, mostly in their natural mode, but one or two with significant effects applied.

(YouTube link: )

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Some time back in September, my eyes had deteriorated to the point where I was unable to continue working on this song. So it’s kind of just a song starter at this point, just to play with the new (to me) Rack Extension for Reason 9.5, after which the song is named. The Chambertron was a forerunner to the Mellotron. By the time I get my eyes fixed (cataracts) I will be more interested in moving on to Reason 10 and its shiny new distractions, so I thought I’d just tie a ribbon around this one and call it done.

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Evil Eye Baby Doll

The forces of Light and Darkness square off in this sonic smackdown. Features the titular Evil Eye Baby Doll Optical Theremin in the role of “Darkness”.

YouTube link:

Here’s the aforementioned doll theremin, a real find whilst looking on eBay for circuit bent toys a few years ago.

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The title is not a value judgement. Rather, it refers to a Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason 9.5 called Noxious Additive Synthesizer, by Zvork. But what’s in a name? This song (more of an extended loop, really) uses the Noxious synth exclusively, for all sounds you hear apart from a little reverb and delay.

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Glossolalia Part Two

That weird talking-in-tongues guy is back, and he has some things to say.

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Kessel Run in Twelve Parsecs

Apart from the obvious Star Trek reference, the title refers to the virtual instrument for Propellerhead Reason 9.5 called “Parsec”, of which there are twelve instances in this song. Everything you hear is from the Parsec. It’s Parsecs all the way down.

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Hobbledy Walkies

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