Still finding the odd gem in the old photo albums, in between the blurry failures. This looks almost professionally done, but I can’t be sure. Certainly no professional these days would let Mom get away with posing with a butt in her hand…
Thornbury Chili Cookoff
On Saturday July 7, 2007, Blue Mountain Village ski resort played host to the Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club’s 23rd Annual Blue Mountains Chili Cookoff. The ski resort doesn’t sit idle in the summer, apparently, as the place was packed. Tasters wandered around with their spoons and tried samples from the twenty or so contestants, with names like "Harry Fartter" and "Hell’s Kitchen". My vote went to the organic buffalo chili in booth number 1.(Buffalo, or bison, is raised locally.)
In the background, the ski lift was doing a brisk business taking bikers and their rented mountain bikes to the top of Blue Mountain, where it’s all downhill from there.
“Package” (Is That It?)
After nearly 30 years of faithful service to a major financial institution, today I received my severence “package”. While fairly reasonable, financially, I found myself thinking that in the literal sense, it looked rather thin… When I had “the meeting” today, I looked at it sitting there on the desk in front of me, and before I even read it, my first thought was: is that it?
iRise pen swag
Lynda scored this cool pen at a Usability conference in Austin, and I acted like such a child about how cool it was that she gave it to me. No audio apart from an audible click when I smack the lens with it.
Chipmunk in the Grapevine
Just outside the back door. And often in the garage… This little guy drives the dogs crazy. And he’s just small enough to sit on the squirrel-proof bird feeder without closing it, so he’s eating well.
The Corran
The Corran (Gaelic for "point of land running into the sea") was the homestead of Alexander McNeil (1882-1932). It was a magnificent 17-room mansion built from stone mined on the 121-hectare site. The style of the home, and its position on the Niagara Escarpment high above Colpoy’s Bay were reminiscent of Alexander’s family’s estate in Northern Ireland.
Today the site, north of Wiarton, Ontario, is known as Spirit Rock Conservation Area, part of the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority and the Niagara Escarpment Program.
Four Amigos
Our four doggies, (l-r) Lucy, Bell, Tiger, Silver in the back yard. They sit like this all the time, in a neat little row, all facing forward.
The Hidden Elephant
Yes, that’s me, 1974 camping trip, sporting a once-glittery YES t-shirt and a Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers nautural coiff, and smokin’ a butt (I think). Note the very buy phentermine from china high-end sound system. That’s also probably the last time I was that close to a football. Taken with my trusty manual Pentax from that era…
Jones Falls (tight crop)
The Pottawatomi river drops off the Niagara Escarpment just west of Owen Sound Ontario. This version now featuring a little fake HDR (PS S&H), a fake Holga frame, and some Orton. It’s like the Perfect Storm of Flickr cliches… B-)