A giant plume of water arches over the entrance to Owen Sound harbour as the Chi-Cheemaun ferry is welcomed back to her winter home. Bagpipes played and flags waved as the crowd cheered her return. For the last two winters she has been in dry dock in Sarnia, being fitted with new engines.
I See Through Me
I see through me, like
the back of my hand, but I
cannot close my eyes.
“Nice Legs, Shame About the Face”
“I wonder what a frog thinks about when it sees a big-ass riding mower heading towards it on the lawn…” This oh-so-whimsical thought was in my brain yesterday while I was cutting the grass, instead of what should have been in my brain, which was “I wonder what would happen if I crashed into that sawhorse…” Well, mystery solved. What happens is that the canoe comes crashing down on the lawnmower, the sawhorse gets a broken leg (no need to shoot it quite yet though) and the front tire of the mower pops its seal, leaving it flopping around on the rim.
A weekend sure can turn on you…
Thanks to the help of Good Neighbour Mike and his hydraulic jack, and the good folks at Canadian Tire (although the latter did charge me) the grass finally did get cut.
Lake Opeongo Map
This is an embedded Google Map, customized to show campsites I’ve visited and other points of interest. Zoom out and move buy phentermine uk price around, click the little icons. Some have photos. I may add to this over time…
View Larger Map
Kitchen Reno – “After”
Finally finally finally, we have our kitchen. Progress seemed to happen in spurts, with longer periods of inactivity. Ovrerall though, we are quite satisfied with both the products and the services. Thanks are due (along with our bill) to Van Dolder’s for “intelligent design” and to our long-suffering but fast-working contractor, John Marriage (JSM Contracting). Of course now we can’t afford to buy food, but at least it looks nice… (This is a panorama stitched from 4 separate shots.)
View large size.
Here is the “before” picture.
Senator Obama
Seems like not only regular schmucks have Flickr accounts — unless you consider presidential hopeful Barack Obama to be a regular schmuck. While most of the photos appear to be OF him, rather than BY him, they do appear to represent an authentic, official and authorized photo-blog of the campaign. No word on whether Hillary has an account.
Tel Quel are swell
When you move to Owen Sound from Toronto, you can be forgiven for thinking it’s going to be all country music from here on. But no. There’s a swirly psychedelic light at the end of the time tunnel, and its name is Tel Quel. Computerist Joshua Richardson and invited artists including Adam Reese, Patrick Dorfman, Graham Dorfman, and Scott Farmer, along with poi-spinners The Whirling Divas, and a most talented belly dancer named Shawna Banville, gave us a very enjoyable evening of music and movement and light.
Joshua Richardson
Adam Reese
Patrick Dorfman
Patrick Dorfman (video)
The Whirling Divas
The Whirling Divas (video)
Belly Dancer Shawna Banville
Apple’s Latest Product
Me – Simpsonized
Honeymoon Cabin
Honeymoon Cabin – Me and Lynda on the steps by the screen porch. I’m posting this in honour of the anniversary of our wedding, buy phentermine online from australia July 20, 2002, and the anniversary of our first meeting, July 20, 1996.
Happy Anniversary Lynda!!