Nanook of the North

The Great Lakes Musicians’ Collective presents the 1922 silent film documentary “Nanook of the North” directed by Robert Flaherty, with an original live soundtrack by the Silent Film Ensemble, featuring: Charlie Glasspool, Tara MacKenzie, Jon Cox, Pat Dorfman, Jon O’Leary, Bob Daniel, and Josh Richardson.
Saturday, February 7th @ 7PM
Downtown Bookstore, Owen Sound.

$5 Admission. Advance tickets are available at the Downtown Bookstore.
“‘Nanook of the North” buy soma online 500mg follows an Inuit hunter and his family as they struggle to survive in the Hudson Bay Arctic region in the ‘traditional’ manner idealized by Western European civilization. In fact, much of footage in ‘Nanook’ is staged – despite this, it is a fascinating document of the Western European objectification of a people it still knows so little about.



Is This My Brain?

Photography and music by Robert George Daniel, who is me. This cost $3 to make. Not counting all the cameras and film and computers and travel expenses and what not. Hope you enjoy. // created at

Brain stem

Haxan: The Musical

On Saturday Nov. 1, 2008 at the Downtown Bookstore in Owen Sound, Ontario, Joshua David Richardson presented an evening of spooky filmic fun.
Beginning the evening, “Separations” by local film-maker Isaiah Walters made its world premiere. This 20-minute short weaves grim tales of abandoned homes along the Grey-Bruce shoreline, as the film-maker explores their vacant architecture and the artifacts that remain.

For the main event, local musicans provided a live Hallowe’en-inspired soundtrack to Benjamin Christensen’s classic 1922 film Haxan (trans. “The Witch”). The film is a silent-era docudrama using re-enactments, imaginative special-effects sequences, and documentary footage to explain the persecution of so-called “Witches” as medieval society’s misunderstanding of the mental illnesses.
The musicians, from stage-left to stage-right, included:
Charles Glasspool – upright piano
Joshua David Richardson – computers
Jonathan O’Leary – violin
Jonathan Cox – electric guitar
R.G.Daniel – electronic drums and noise toys
Patrick Dorfman – banjo, flute, percussion and effects
There were two short rehearsals for the performance, buy soma muscle relaxant online which were more about setting up and soundcheck for me, and which never included the full lineup. There was some discussion of structure, and cues, and pacing ourselves. But for the most part, that was all moot, and the performance ended up being almost entirely improvised. This was the first time I’ve played with these folks, and I look forward to the next time. I think we all agreed it went rather well!!
Presented below for your amusement, a baker’s dozen, or a witches’ coven, of short audio clips from the live soundtrack. As usual, start anywhere — they will loop around. I will probably edit the full show down from an hour and forty minutes to an even hour or so. CD’s of that final edit will be available, once again for the low cost of one million dollars (discounts may apply).

Hallowe’en Kit

Hallowe’en Kit

Originally uploaded by rgdaniel

Crappy self-timer shot, just wanted to see how the kit looked from the other side… I have two shows coming up, one this weekend and one next weekend, and I’ve completely de-constructed the drum set into a single vertical tree-like tower, at left here. Toys and effects laid out on the table in the center, and principal sound modules on the right. The heavy metal chain (actually styrofoam, and quite chewy as the dog will attest) and orange pumpkin lights finish it off nicely.

Be sure to click the photo to go to Flickr, for the larger versions and especially for the annotations containing more detail on the technology than you would possibly care about, but will still be very impressed by.