I like to say “cocobolo”. And “salsa”, I like to say “salsa”… I think this turned out not too bad… (note to my own horn, you have been tooted)
Maple Edge-Grain Cutting Boards with Cherry Handles, seen here with human to show scale

Maple Edge-Grain Cutting Boards with Cherry Handles, seen here with human to show scale
Originally uploaded by rgdaniel
The human is my lovely wife Lynda. She’s a very good sport. I told her in advance I was going take a picture with this title, and she slapped me (didn’t hurt). But she still posed. What a gal.
Say Hello To My Little Friend
DeWalt Bunnikins
Injured baby rabbit we’re keeping safe for a while. “DeWalt” because he’s in a DeWalt box (see video) and “Bunnikins” because, well I’m not sure, you’ll have to ask my wife.
DeWalt Bunnikins
Kidney-shaped Cutting Board
Just waiting for the first coat of mineral oil to dry on this cutting board.The design is from one of our old cutting boards that I rescued from the trash so I could copy it.
Garter Snake
Apparently the term “Garter Snake” covers a whole bunch of different species, but this is the classic garter snake of my youth here in Ontario, and I’m glad to know we have a few of them on our property.
Cedar Chair
Finished the first of two cedar chairs for the garden, though I’m reluctant to put it outside now… I will be reconsidering the options for finishing before I commit…maybe I should just keep it in the living room…
Photo taken on Lynda’s iPhone.
People Don’t Walk ANYWHERE These Days…
While recently visiting friends at their cottage on Sauble Beach, where I haven’t been in about 40 years, I was surprised by a couple of things. The first was how little it seemed to have changed, at least in the area just south of town, where the land is still under lease from the Saugeen Nation. Lots of small, folksy cottages right on the beach, or a short walk away.

Sauble Beach
The second surprise was that you can drive on the beach. I guess I must have known this, but had forgotten. Our hosts explained that this makes for great entertainment. There is a small stream that empties onto, and spreads out over the beach, right in front of their place. When we were there, it was only an inch or so deep, maybe ten feet across. But at certain times a year, it can be deceptively deep, as much as a foot, and look pretty much the same. Lots of vacationers leave with stories they never planned on telling…
Historically, the First Nations people policed the beach, and by all accounts did a fine job of it. Speeding, drinking, fires, all strictly prohibited on the beach, and effectively enforced. Then, for some reason, the job of policing the beach was turned over to the Ontario Provincial Police. Now the OPP do (let’s say) a fine job of patrolling our province’s highways, but when faced with enforcing speed limits on a beach, they must have struggled with the concept. Their solution was to erect signs. Speed limit signs and No Parking signs, all along this hitherto unspoiled stretch of the world’s second longest freshwater beach. (After Wasaga, also right here in Ontario — not sure what the OPP are up to there these days).
(photo by Lynda Chiotti)
So long Ed McMahon. You kinda sucked, but whatever — you were on The Tonight Show, that’s gotta count for something.
We’ve had a pair of baby bunnies entertaining us during dinner the last couple of weeks. I finally grabbed the camera. Too bad I didn’t have the camera yesterday, when mommy and daddy bunny were also out there, breeding like rabbits right out in public. Shocking.
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