NEW! Kraft Vuvuzela. Delicious Hot or Cold! (Fun With Photoshop)
Wine Stoppers
One for red wine, one for white. The red is made of padauk, the white is curly maple. The stopper is made of black titanium. These two are spoken for, but I’d love to make you one.
Hobbit Boxes
These are fun little boxes, all made from the same chunk of wood, which was actually two layers of padauk sandwiching a layer of purpleheart. The insides are coated with blue flocking.
A pair of mallards doing their best to erode the shoreline of our little pond. No sign of them nesting here again this year though, which is probably for the best.
Black and White Ebony Cheese Planes
These are both spoken for – we’re keeping one ourselves – but I will be making a couple more.
Recent Projects: Two Small Walnut Boxes
Recent Projects: Square Bowl
Goodbye Lucy
Life can change in an instant.
This morning, our German Shepherd bit the neighbour lady.
I was coming back from the fenced-in area, keeping a close eye on Lucy as usual, but it was actually Silver, the boxer, who decided he would veer off at the last second and go bark at the neighbours. Which meant Lucy HAD to get a piece of that action, and off she went too.
I should have had them on a leash, but it’s just a short sprint to the fenced area of the yard, and they’re so well conditioned to going straight there and back, usually at a dead run, that I’ve been a bit lax in enforcing the leash thing for that short dash…
So Lucy bit our neighbour. Fortunately with not TOO tragic results — her husband called it a huge nasty bruise. But since this is now the third person she’s bitten that seriously, not counting several more whom she bit much less seriously, I had to say “enough is enough”.
Lucy will be going away to live at the kennel where we got her. Which is definitely better than having her put down, but which still feels tragic. Nine years I had that dog. Longer than I’ve been married. But she’ll be in good hands, at a place where she was always happy to go, and was always on her best behaviour.
This really sucks though.
Pheasant Phoreplay
Cornelia is just trying to enjoy some lunch, but Corny is strutting his stuff all in her face, chasing her around and puffing out his feathers, making hissy noises (hard to hear over the wind).
Gravitas – Coming Soon
Click here for the official site for news and information about the forthcoming album “Gravitas”, a collection of original instrumental music by Robert George Daniel.