Table for Two, Hold the Blizzard

Table for Two, Hold the Blizzard

Our loftily-designated “Florida Room” felt like a real oasis tonight as the winter storm rages outside. Cozy enough to enjoy our dinner and toast our good fortune and our warm home.

Snow and Flowers

As the blizzard howls outside and leaves its unique pox on our windows, the flora inside are oblivious… understandably, what with being plants and all…

Five Wine Stoppers

Five Wine Stoppers, originally uploaded by rgdaniel.

Another smart shopper allowed me to make these bottle stoppers in plenty of time for her holiday gift list. The three on the left are made from Pau Ferro, and the two on the right are Padauk. These are two of my favourite woods to work with. I also enjoy James Woods, but not so much Tiger Woods, though I’ve never actually worked with either of them.

Pen and Letter Open Sets

Finally finished the Pen and Letter Opener gift sets. I even sprang for the — let’s call it “leather” — gift case, because they’re just that classy. Like me. Classier, even… These are available for purchase via my Etsy store (links below). Owen Sound locals, just chat me up, obviously no need to pay shipping!

There’s the one set in Lacewood I posted yesterday, plus now two in Bubinga, and two in Stinkwood. Which I promise does not stink and is in fact rather awesome… Five sets only. Great for gifts! Act now!

Cigar Style Pen + Opener - Stinkwood
African Stinkwood Pen and Letter Opener, with case.
Buy on Etsy:

Cigar Style Pen + Opener - Bubinga
African Bubinga Pen and Letter Opener, with case.
Buy on Etsy:

"Cigar" Style Pen + Letter Opener - Lacewood
Australian Lacewood (Silky Oak) Pen and Letter Opener, with case.
Buy on Etsy:

“Cigar” Style Pen + Letter Opener – with case

The wood here was labeled as “Silky Oak” but looks exactly like what I’ve been getting as “Lacewood”… Wikipedia suggests they’re the same wood, from Australia.

Available for purchase from my Etsy store… don’t let the Holidays sneak up on you!!

Poplar Mailbox

This is a stained-poplar mailbox for my sister. Based more or less on the design of the one they’re replacing. The finish is several coats of Spaarrr Vaarrrrnish, like the pirates use. The hinges are “antique steel” from Lee Valley Tools (Link).




The lowdown on the blow down…

During the windiness event yesterday, a tree blew down on our shed. It was a dead tree, maybe 20 feet, about 10-12 inches at the base, but smaller as you go up… or as you go sideways, now…

No damage to the shed… the two main limbs came down inches on either side of the birdhouse on the peak of the shed, sparing it… it’s a MIRACLE, etc. etc… I cut the frikken miracle into manageable chunks with my bow saw and flung its ass into the corner, where it can just lie there all winter and think about what it’s done…

Stupid trees.