Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pavement magic, no David Blaine required

“Julian Beever has made pavement drawings for over ten years. He has worked in the U.K., Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Germany, the USA and Australia.” Among the pavement drawings displayed on his site are these “anamorphic illusions drawn in a special distortion in order to create an impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint.”

Raccoon in the blue spruce

Raccoon in the blue spruce

Originally uploaded by rgdaniel.

This morning, without even having to get out of bed, we were treated to the sight of this raccoon, scrambling up the blue spruce that fills the view from our window. He may have been after the nest the mourning doves have made, but if so he was going in the wrong direction.

Click picture for large sizes(

The trouble with normal

This from “Joel on Software“:

“One of the hallmarks of a broken system is when there’s just no possible way that the programmer who is writing code that talks to customers can ever get feedback from those customers about bugs, because the call center is outsourced to a different company than the software development project is outsourced to. Everyone is trying their hardest to do their job but management has set it up so that it’s impossible.”

This is more and more normal these days, and we all know the trouble with normal