On Sunday (May 13, 2012) I decided to take a day trip up to our little cabin on the Bruce Peninsula, to check on the property which we pretentiously call “Gormenghast” (after the Mervyn Peake novels). The cabin was not much worse for wear, all things considered. So I left Gormenghast and motored and/or hiked around the general area and took some pictures. These are a few of them.
As always, click any photo to view a larger version on Flickr.

Our little cabin seems in not bad shape still… you fear the worst when you haven’t been up for a couple of years.

I was excited to see we had a couple of trilliums blooming next to the cabin. I would later realize there were trillions of them throughout the area. But ours were the best.

Fern. Or soon will be. By midsummer the ferns are thick enough to completely hide a small dog.

A bug on our trillium. The bastard. I let him live though. This time…

Tent caterpillars on a camping trip. Also bastards. But also still alive. I came in peace.

Two trilliums. Or is that “trillia”? No, probably not.

Some more trilliums. They are the national flower of the Province of Ontario, so to speak.

Like a rock, and a flower. Strength and fragility. It’s a metaphor, innit.

A trillion trilliums. You know, approximately.

Golden Acres is a property in the area, and particularly well named at this time of year when the dandelions are in bloom. This made me sing “Golden Slumbers” by the Beatles, as I thought of Dorothy and her palls falling asleep in the poppy field.

The quintessential lone tree. This one made me sing “All By Myself” (the Eric Carmen version, not the Celine Dion version. Seriously, I have standards.)

Another lone tree, not as quintessential as the other one, perhaps. This one didn’t make me sing at all.

A pebble beach. Not the golf Pebble Beach, sorry search-engine visitors… just a lower case pebble beach, looking north towards Cape Chin, from near Lion’s Head. Which is also not a golf thing.

Pebbles and Plant: the Flinstones meets Led Zeppelin? No. Tenacious green life takes hold amidst all the gray. Another one of those metaphor thingies.

A short side trail of the world famous Bruce Trail brings you to this lookout over Gerogian Bay and Devil’s Monument. Near Cape Chin, where Jay Leno was born, I believe.

I crush your monument, devil. Crush crush crush.
You can view these pictures as a slideshow on Flickr if you wish. It may require Flash, not sure.