Category Archives: Photography

Turkey Vultures

I noticed a turkey vulture sitting on a hydro pole at the end of our driveway earlier today. He was waiting for a chance to go for the dead bunny on the road.

Turkey Vulture (3)

He spent a lot of time with his wings outstretched like this, though he wasn’t in a hurry to go anywhere.

Turkey Vulture (4)

I soon spotted several more overhead, doing the characteristic circling that vultures are known for.

Turkey Vulture (1)

Turkey Vulture (2)

Inglis Falls

Inglis Falls

Successful little jaunt (in that I didn’t break an ankle or anything) to Inglis Falls today. Nice cloud cover for even lighting, love that.

Lynda and Dogs near Inglis Falls

Inglis Falls

Beautiful as the Moon, now with big floating guy in the sky

When I was on my honeymoon in Killarney Provincial Park with my trophy wife Lynda, I took some photos, as one does. One of them, a photo of the full moon rising over the trees of Bell Lake, eventually became this photo:

Beautiful as the Moon... (redux)

It was very successful (by my standards anyway) on Flickr, and when it recently got another Fave, I decided to do a Goggle image search on it, as one does. It’s always fun to see who’s stealing photos for their own purposes. As one does. So this photo, a fully secular tribute to the full moon, so pagan you can almost hear me howling, got re-purposed into some kind of Hindu prayer talisman, or something. Of all things. The guy floating in the sky, needless to say, was added by others and does not meet with my approval.

Lynda said “why don’t you issue a take-down”. I said I’d be doing that every day, assuming I knew how and had endless funds to give to lawyers. Anyway I thought it was amusing. Here’s the link to the offending website, tagline “where devotion meets reality” LOL.

Tall Ships in Owen Sound 2013

The Tall Ships have come to Owen Sound! Or at least three of them. I’m not a fan boy, so I don’t know their names or anything, but I’m always up for a photo op, so here they are. More info at where you can also see them with their sails all unfurled, which looks more impressive.




This one is probably not a Tall Ship, per se, though it is both tall, and a ship.