With some nice red cedar left over from the Muskoka Chairs, it seemed inevitable that I would build a footstool or two… or four… it’s *possible* I may even get a fifth, or else I’ll make a couple of small planters or something….
Any decent project is only as good as its plan… or hopefully better… taking my dimensions from an existing crappy old footstool (which will soon be kindling, if I have my way) I taped this detailed architectural drawing to the shop wall, so I could refer to, and deviate from, its intricacies as I went along…
I thought at first that my design reminded me of the Android logo …but now I realize it looks more like the blockers from the original Space Invaders

Screenshot from the original Space Invaders
Fantastic footstools! Do you have more detailed plans for them?
Thanks a lot! No sorry, no plans, I just made up some templates on hardboard, to work out the sizes. I needed the height to be low enough to slip under our bench out of the way, and I needed to plan out the widths and gaps so the slats would work out. After that, clear sailing….
Thanks for the comment.