Cat House Moon, originally uploaded by rgdaniel.
I just received a request from the good folks at Fluttery Records (www.flutteryrecords.com – site not working at time of writing) to use my image Cat House Moon as the cover of a forthcoming release by indie band Phoenix and the Turtle. Their EP is called “Swallow Up The Moon”.
Fluttery Records described themselves as “a very small independent label”, “more like an artists-helping-artists collective”.
Which reminded me of our own Great Lakes Musician’s Collective, of which I was a member for a while. I guess you’d say I’m an alumnus these days, having hung up the “sticks and tricks” for a while.
Anyway, I said “sure”. So if everyone buys their record, I get… well, nothing… but still… it seemed like a good idea…
I get requests to use photos fairly often. Mostly nobody wants to pay. Mostly I say “no” in that case.
This felt more like a “yes” opportunity…
Congrats on getting recognition for some of your art! That’s always worthwhile, I’d say, even if recognition can’t really buy very much.
I’m reminded of the old board game called Careers: at the beginning of the game, you choose your recipe for success, as a function of happiness, wealth, and fame. I never used to think fame was all that important, but I’m starting to see how it has potential: it provides a connection between a creative source (you, me, anyone else who has value to bring to others) and potential audiences (who, if we’re lucky, decide to share wealth in exchange for our shared happiness).
It sounds like a good cause too, especially since the band’s music is interesting and quite lovely (I found ’em on myspace, a place I rarely dare go unless it’s for previewing bands).
Anyways, congrats again– and hey, you should ask if you get a free CD out of the deal at least! 🙂
Thanks for your comment! Yes, fame would definitely not be high on my list of desirable outcomes… but a little recognition now and then, a little acknowledgment, goes a long way…
I love the images. Of course, I have a huge cat bias! I think you did a nice thing, letting them use your artwork. I also think you are right to say ‘no’ to most people. I sell stock photos, and on occasion I give a few away too.